Saturday, March 1, 2008

Scientifc Paper

Writing for Publication:

I'm particularly mentioning a 'research paper'. According to standard defination research paper is "a piece of academic writing that requires an abstract, crtical and thoughtful level of inquiry". Such a Writing involves comparison of research work conducted and published in past with your own.
There are mainly two types of research papers:
  1. Analytical and
  2. Argumantative

The main difference between the two types of writing is that the Analytical research paper is an attempt to use your research to give an objective picture of what is known about the work. While the argumentative research paper is an attempt to convince your readers of the validity of a certain view you hold of a research.

Writing a Thesis:

A thesis statement points toward the course of an argument.
General guidelines:

  • A thesis statement is always placed in the Introduction,
  • It should be arguable,
  • A thesis should argue on a specific point.

In brief, a thesis statement should draw attention of your readers towards an unknown side of the question.

For Scientific Publication:

Every science journal have their own style but generally they all carry following parts(they are also the 'part and parcel' of thesis but in detail):


It introduces your piece of work, provide a brief background, mention aims and objectives and the result of the investigation carried out.

Materials and Methods:

Mention specific information about your materials and methods in chronological order but related methodologies can be grouped as a section.


Mention the big picture of experiment and direct your readers towards the unknown solution of the problem. Data can be presented in the form of tables, charts or graphs but must follow sequential order, otherwise it will be incomprehensible for the readers.


  • Do NOT rephrase the Results but Compare your results and conclusions with published scientific papers.
  • Clearly contrast and compare your inferences with previous work and findings.
  • Discuss the practical aspect of your work and its application that you foresee.
  • Mention a summary of evidence for each major finding. Make concise concluding statements at the end of the discussion.


  • The Summary is a brief and a complete report of a scientific work that "stands
    on its own" without any explanation.
  • Lengthy discussions and references to the literature must be omitted.


References can be written in different formats depending on the requirement of the journal,

for a detail understanding pls. visit:


Anonymous said...

Have been stumble upon ur blog just by mistake. Very interesting but could u plzzz! show a real world example.
Thannx a zillion

Salma said...

Thanks Nazuk for pointing out my lack of vision. Honestly, I'm publishing all my work that I have done as a researcher or a writer in past. Therefore, it takes time to dig out the relevant that could be published.
As per your request I have posted a sample of simple synopsis.